👋 Welcome! My name is Mya.

Name Pronunciation   Pronouns: she / her

I'm an Engineering Director who enjoys building and working with teams around the world. Outside of work, I'm an avid hockey player and enjoy spending time in my garden. I'm passionate about doing more to save our environment ♻️. While much of my learning has been confined to my own space, I look forward to sharing my knowledge with others.

📖 Favorite Books 📖

Hold Me Tight - Dr. Sue Johnson EdD
[Amazon] [Kindle] [Audible]

Superbosses - Sydney Finkelstein
[Amazon] [Kindle] [Audible]

Dare to Lead - Brené Brown
[Amazon] [Kindle] [Audible]

Team Topologies - Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais
[Amazon] [Kindle] [Audible]